The Haunted Station

Legend tells us that vampires must sleep in soil from their homeland.  Therefore, should they want to move their coffin to another location, they must move a large amount of earth as well.

Professor Van Helsing believes that a vampire of significant power has entered the United States via the Port of Baltimore.  The creature’s final destination is unknown, but he is expected to move his casket and soil by rail.  We do not know under what name he is traveling, and do not have time to search all the freight in all the trains to locate him.

The psychiatrist Dr. Seward has learned from one of his asylum patients that clues to the vampire’s pseudonym and train can be found in an old abandoned station on the B&O line.

You are tasked with the undesirable mission of entering the old station and identifying the train and passenger name needed to find the monster, and telegraphing the information to Professor Van Helsing.  But you only have one hour before the lead, like the touch of the undead, goes cold.

The Haunted Station will be available September 29 – October 31.  Though some new puzzles are added to correspond with the vampire/haunted theme, the room will incorporate some of the same puzzles as the original B&O room, so guests who have played it should not book the Haunted Station.  

Book Your Escape Room in Baltimore, MD


​PHONE: 262-325-2375

Hours may vary while we navigate through COVID.  Please see the Book Now page for current game schedule.  Additional game times can be added for larger groups by phone.